Unicorn Mythology

Are Unicorns Real?

There is an age-old question: "Are unicorns real, or do they only exist in stories and imagination?" Unicorns are mythical…

2 years ago

Siberian Unicorn: Myth or Reality?

The Siberian unicorn, technically known as Elasmotherium sibiricum, is an extinct rhinoceros that once roamed Eurasia's grasslands. Despite its name,…

2 years ago

What is an Alicorn?

What is an Alicorn? Have you ever heard of a magical creature called an alicorn? It's like a mash-up of…

2 years ago

What Do Unicorns Represent and Symbolize? Symbolism & Mythology

Unicorns are wonderful creatures that have enthralled people throughout history, and most of us would love to know more about…

2 years ago

What Does a Unicorn Horn Look Like?

As a fan of unicorns, the unicorn horn, also called as alicorn –  is always one of the most mystical parts of unicorns. But…

2 years ago

What Do Unicorns Look Like?

One of the biggest questions surrounding the splendid and magical creature that unicorns are – “what do they look like?”.…

2 years ago

Unicorns With Wings – Pegacorn, Alicorn, or Unicus?

What could be more mythical, enchanting, and magical than winged unicorns? What could better capture the imagination, entrance the senses, and…

2 years ago

Unicorn Spiritual Meaning & The Diverse Interpretations

As one of the most famous mythical beasts in existence, unicorns have many different spiritual meanings. What they represent to people…

2 years ago

The Mysterious Mythology Of Unicorns

Unicorns are fascinating creatures, and they have enthralled writers, story-tellers, poets, and even historians throughout the ages. They appear in many…

2 years ago

Black Unicorn: Mythology, Meaning in Dreams, Literature & Games

  Black unicorns also called dark unicorns are, for many people, the most fascinating kind of unicorn there is. They rebel against…

2 years ago